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United Ax Throwers is the former Ax Nation Ax Throwing Club

Here are the basic rules for throwing axes:

  1. Safety comes first: Always follow safety rules. Make sure the throwing area is clear of bystanders and the target and surroundings are properly secured.

  2. Hold the ax correctly: Grasp the ax with both hands, keeping the handle close to the head. Make sure your fingers are well down and firmly on the handle.

  3. Maintain an appropriate distance: Stand at an appropriate distance from the target. A position approximately 2-3 meters from the target is usually recommended, but this may vary depending on club specifications.

  4. Aim for the center of the target: Focus on hitting the center of the target. This is the point that is valued the highest in most competitions.

  5. Make a Smooth Move: Make a smooth move by lifting the ax straight above your head and lowering it toward the shield. Avoid throwing too hard or nervously, which may lead to loss of control.

  6. Stay Stable: Maintain balance and stability during the throw. Keep your feet parallel to each other and maintain a stable body posture.

  7. Be aware of your surroundings: Monitor your surroundings and make sure there is no one nearby who could potentially be injured by an uncontrolled throw.

  8. Estimate distance: Before throwing, estimate the distance to the target. This will help you adjust your throwing power and accuracy.

  9. Throw in one plane: Throw in one plane, trying to maintain a straight line along the ax's flight path.

  10. Don't pick up the ax from the target after throwing: Once you've finished throwing, wait for others to make their moves. Then approach the shield to safely remove the axe.

  11. Follow Club Rules: Familiarize yourself with the individual rules and regulations of the club where you train or compete.

Remember that regular practice and following safety rules are crucial to success in ax throwing.


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